This Repository shows links and information for many projects around London which can help
adapt our city to the growing social, ecological and health issues it faces.

Intervention Archive:
Title: Urban Kitchen Gardens
Who for: Individuals & Communities
What: A way to increase community ties, increase biodiversity and provide education.
Why: Tackles Health Inequalities, Social Isolation, Biodiversity Crisis & Access to Nature
Where: Isleworth, Across West London
Link for more information
Title: London map of food growing spaces
Who for: Individuals
What: A map of places which grow food in London
Why: A way as an individual to get involved with an existing project to increase community ties with potential to increase biodiversity, food insecurity and social isolation
Where: Londonwide
Link to an Interactive Map to help find local food growing spaces
Title: Parklets
Who for: Individuals & Communities
What: Small take-overs of car parking spaces
Why: A way to increase community ties with potential to increase biodiversity, inequalities in accessibility and social isolation
Where: Isleworth, Across West London
Link to Toolkit on how to make your own Parklet
Title: Community Solar Projects
Who for: Communities
What: A community owned solar energy farm.
Why: A way to democratise clean energy and reduce energy bills in your local area while reducing emissions.
Where: Londonwide
Link to a company to help organise your community solar project
Title: Boiler Upgrade Scheme
Who for: Individuals / Homeowners
What: A grant towards reducing household energy usage
Why: A way to reduce bills and emissions.
Where: Londonwide
Link to grant application
Title: Tree Planting Grants
Who for: Communities
What: Funding for community tree planting initiatives
Why: A way to increase greenery in your local urban area without the cost.
Where: London and urban areas are considered priorities
Link to grant application